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FIrm serving Orange County, CA 

AnD Puget Sound, WA

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Let's Build the Bridge to Your Financial Freedom

Your FAMILy's personal "CFO" to help you navigate the complicated financial world, 

develop and prioritize your financial goals, and monitor your overall financial health.

Goal Calculator


"There’s lots of research on something called social facilitation. Merely biking with someone else, for example, makes you bike faster. Running with someone else makes you run faster. Swimming with someone else makes you swim faster. Others can help us do things that we might not do otherwise." - Jonah Berger

We understand that financial planning is a long-term proposition as our financial life is constantly changing. Consider this timeline... we graduate college and find a job, we focus on paying off student loans, we get married and merge our finances with our spouse, we buy a house, we change jobs or get promoted, we have children, maybe Mom quits to raise the kids, a loved one passes, we receive an inheritance, and on, and on. As your financial life grows and evolves, having a professional there who will listen and guide you will help making tough decisions easier for you. 

Invisible Influence.  When you work with Bridge Financial Management, you will feel empowered and live in confidence around your finances knowing we are taking care of the behind-the-scenes work. We carry some of the burden so you have more time to spend with your family, focus on your career or business, and enjoy life along your financial walk.

Let's Talk Today

"Despite everything else no one can 

dictate who you are to other people." 

- Prince

About Us

Let's be honest, you don’t just need financial advice – you need a partner you can trust, who will help you to stay on track toward your goals and ensure you keep the future in mind as you live your day-to-day life. We work on several financial planning areas for clients including investment management, saving for retirement, cash flow/ budgeting, life and disability insurance, benefits packages at work , college savings, 401(k), and IRAs, just to name a few. Bridge Financial Management is a fee-only fiduciary firm, providing advice that is 100% unique to each client and in their best interest. Here are a few of the core beliefs that guide our practice:


It is human instinct to react to more immediate circumstances and less natural to take a long- term approach. Working with a Financial Planner is like working with a personal trainer- it's a marathon, not a sprint. We are here to listen to you, work alongside you, help you get organized, provide objective, honest advice, and get you in shape financially. 

We are different. We don't sell you a product, we offer you a service and guide you on making good choices with your money. When you win, we win! 


Managing your finances shouldn’t be something you avoid. Take budgeting for example. Many people cringe at even hearing the word "budget." In reality, a budget is the bridge to bonding with your money. When all the important goals are taken care of and money set aside for those goals, all the "leftover" money can be spent guiltlessly. It is empowering and dare we say, fun! This is true whether you just graduated from college and are getting started or about to retire with a large nest egg. Ultimately the choice is yours, let your money control you or be proactive and take control of your finances. Our job is to eliminate some of the stress and worry around your finances, providing peace of mind that you have developed, and are sticking to, a well- thought out plan.


Naturally, many of us are perfectionists. Although this can be a good thing, it can also be detrimental. With instant access to information on the internet these days we all fall victim to this "analysis- paralysis." Let us help you GET STARTED and walk you through getting your financial life organized, one step at a time.


We Focus On What Really Matters

When you work with Bridge Financial Management, you can expect a focus on more than just the numbers. Our comprehensive financial planning takes an integrated approach to your finances and examines all areas of your financial life and how they work together. Check out Vanguard's Research Paper which outlines how advisors add value, or alpha, through relationship-based services such as financial planning.  


We first help bring order to your financial life, by assisting you in getting your financial house in order. This includes "big-picture" items such as investments, insurance, taxes, etc., but also the "everyday" items such as your household budget and cash flow.


We will help you stay accountable to your future self and the goals you have outlined. We'll work with you to prioritize your goals, show you the steps you need to take, and regularly review your progress towards achieving them.


Our advice and recommendations are always brought to you in the most objective manner, and we are available to consult with you at key moments of decision-making. We'll also provide you with all of the information you need to help you avoid making a emotionally-driven decisions in important money matters.


As the saying goes, "Life is what happens when you're making plans". A plan is integral to have, but it only works if you treat it as a living document and keep it up-to-date as life changes. We work with you to anticipate your life transitions and to be financially prepared for them ahead of time.


When providing advice and recommendations, we work to ensure that our clients thoroughly understand each decision, including the risks associated with each choice. We'll provide the necessary resources to help facilitate the decision-making process, and explore the specific knowledge that will be needed to succeed.


We like to say “we don’t just work for you, we work with you”. We attempt to help you achieve the best life possible by taking the time to clearly understand your background, philosophy, needs and objectives, and work collaboratively with you and on your behalf to achieve your goals.

Meet Daniel

Hi, I'm Daniel. I am husband to my beautiful wife, Nicole, father to our two boys, Kade and Dean.  We live in Huntington Beach, CA and enjoy relaxing on the beach, riding dirt bikes in the desert, camping, and traveling. 

A little background on my upbringing…

My parents immigrated to California from Spain over 40 years ago, eager to start a family and pursue the American dream. My Dad got his Contractor’s license, and developed a "niche" market in building DIY car washes. You know, the ones you pump quarters into to activate the pressure washer gun. My Mom was a stay-at-home Mom, but she also handled all the behind-the-scenes work involved in running the family business...accounting, bookkeeping, payroll, and everything else that happens in between. 

Over the years that followed, my parents gave birth to my older brother, me, and my two younger brothers. God bless my Mom for putting up with the craziness of four boys! Despite all the fun we had, it wasn’t always easy and business wasn’t always the greatest. Throughout my childhood, I experienced all the ups and downs involved with money and running a business, and quickly learned how emotional of a topic it could be…sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.

Fast forward…

Fortunately, my parents did an amazing job in raising us and teaching us the importance of education. I became the first Pichardo ever to attend and graduate college. I was accepted into Pepperdine University where I began my college career, and graduated from Cal State University, Fullerton with BA in Business and concentration in Finance. I started as a Psych major, but soon decided to switch my major to Business Finance. I figured whether I became a psychologist, firefighter, or something else, at least I would have a basic understanding of how to handle money.

I learned money and psychology are actually very closely related. Money is an emotional topic which affects our behavior and relationships, and can have a profound impact on our lives, stress levels, and sense of security. I discovered the world of Investment Management and Financial Planning, and immediately fell in love.  I’m a huge people-person so I sought out to become a Financial Planner to educate families and business owner's about money and help them pursue their American dream.

In my 14+ years as a Financial Planner for my clients, I have worked for banks, brokerage firms, and wire houses, which has given me a deep understanding of the complicated world of finance from many angles. Bridge Capital Consulting, LLC, DBA "Bridge Financial Management" was established with the goal to serve its Clients as a fiduciary and financial partner. My goal is to listen and understand your story, and help you start "living your life by design and not by default," so you can achieve financial freedom. 


Meet Gabe

Gabe Medina brings a fresh, thoughtful approach to the generally intimidating world of wealth management. Gabe understands the stress that’s created when thinking about your financial situation and the ongoing questions and concerns that can hold your mind captive. Questions like; will I be able to retire? Can I afford putting my kids through college?  If something were to happen to me, how will that affect my family? There’s so much to think about, but that’s what he’s here for.

Gabe will help with the transitions of life; the loss of a spouse, divorce, a new career, or relocation. He’s here to guide you through the important decisions that such life events typically require. Gabe endeavors to have deeper conversations about your current financial plan; how it’s affected by the ever changing economic and market landscape, and how it works with your life goals and objectives.

Gabe earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Financial Planning from California State University Fresno. Starting his career in the financial services industry in 2007 with AG Edwards, Gabe was a beneficiary of their award-winning training program. While with AG Edwards, he earned a Certified Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC) designation with the College of Financial Planning.

For more than twenty years, Gabe has also served our country in the United States Air Force and Air National Guard. Gabe is always looking for ways to serve and better his community and takes tremendous pride in his volunteering as well.

When he’s not in the office, Gabe enjoys spending time with his lovely wife Maisha and their three adorable children. He and his family love residing in the Northwest, allowing them to enjoy the many outdoor activities the area provides.

Live your life by design, not by default. 

Contact Information



California Office (Daniel Pichardo):

4343 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 250L,
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(949) 229-2262

Washington Office (Gabriel Medina): 

8350 W. Grandridge Blvd., Suite 200
Kennewick, WA 99336
(509) 628-6120

"If you want to go fast, go alone. 

If you want to go far, go together." 

- African Proverb


Financial Planning

This program is for you if you're looking for ongoing, year-round access to a Certified Financial Planner™, CFP® or Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor, CRPC® who will evaluate your financial situation and build a customized financial plan for you.

By creating a financial plan and reviewing it on a regular basis with a financial partner, you'll have an organized process and more accountability to ensure you make the necessary adjustments as life presents new challenges and opportunities.

Common topics include retirement and distribution planning, investment design, cash flow & budgeting techniques, estate planning, beneficiary review, stock options, college savings, insurance analysis, and employee benefits review, just to name a few.


Investment Management

We will build, implement, and supervise a personal investment strategy for you that seeks to achieve your objectives in a cost-effective and tax-efficient manner. 

Through personal discussions with your Investment Advisor, you will discuss your goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, and liquidity needs. We then develop your personalized Investment Proposal and Policy Statement, which is used as a compass to help us steer through various market cycles and life events.

During our data-gathering process, we may also review your prior investment experiences, family composition, background, and other applicable considerations, to ensure we provide an appropriate solution to you.



Our Project-Based services are a good choice if you have just one or two specific topics you'd like to get some help on. 

Common topics include retirement scenarios, inheritance, divorce considerations, RMDs, stock options, tax management, buying or selling propoerty, debt-payoff strategies, employee benefits review, or managing a budget. 

This service includes one meeting for initial questions and a second meeting to look over your options and next steps.

Project-Based planning will be offered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the depth, complexity, and time needed to complete the project.


"...Others can help us do things that we 

might not do otherwise." - Jonah Berger


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"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question 

than a fool can learn from a wise answer." 

- Bruce Lee


Do I need to be rich to work with a Financial Planner?

Of course not! Don’t listen to what the banks tell you about needing a million dollars before hiring a financial planner. For many young families, now is the best time to engage with a financial planner while you're in the accumulation phase. The earlier you start the better. This is a time in life where it's not about how much money you make or have. Instead it's about making smart financial decisions with what you have today, establishing goals and priorities, so you can cross the bridge to success. We find that clients who possess the following traits achieve the greatest success:

  • WILLING to set financial goals which you have a passion to achieve
  • COMMITTED to taking control over your spending developing a budget/spending plan
  • VALUE an advisor’s professional expertise and integrity as well as his or her ability to make complex subjects understandable
  • PATIENCE – you want to build wealth not gamble on “quick financial fixes”
  • DISCIPLINE – sticking to the plan through good markets and bad.

How much will it cost me?

We believe transparency is crucial when hiring a Financial Advisor, We work for you, and it’s your right to know exactly what you’re paying and what you’re paying for. The first step in working with our firm and its Advisors will be to establish and define the Advisor-Client relationship, and determine a fair and reasonable fee structure that fits your needs and circumstances. 

In the general marketplace of financial planners, comprehensive financial plans will cost $1,500-$5,000, and the ongoing annual cost for financial planning is around the same. Fees might  be paid annually, quarterly, and even monthly now, depending on the firm. Some Advisors charge an hourly rate. The fee usually falls in the $200-$400 per hour range, depending on the experience and credentials of the Advisor as well as the amount of work involved. Our firm charges $250 per hour. This may be a good option as a one-time project if you only need help with a one or two pressing topics or questions.  

Advisory Fees are another form of fees that you will pay if you hire the Advisor to manage your investment portfolio. This fee averages 0.75% - 1.75%, but can fall outside those ranges in some instances. Our firm's Advisory Fee ranges from 0.65% - 1.50%. Keep in mind, there may be underlying fees in the investments you choose separate from the Advisory Fee. Underlying fees vary widely from 0.05% to over 5% annually, so be sure to ask your Advisor to explain these fees, and any additional fees, that may be involved.  Our firm offers a FREE Portfolio Cost Analysis to examine the fees you are currently paying in your investment accounts, including 401ks, IRAS, and other similar plans. 

Commissions are perhaps one of the oldest payment approaches. The commissions typically range from 1%-10% depending on the type of product. This Advisor sells financial products and earns an upfront commission for the sale. There is an inherent conflict of interest in this approach, and the topic has recently captured the attention of the Department of Labor (More HERE). 

One option is not better than the other necessarily, but it's important that you ask your potential pool of Financial Advisors how they are compensated, and then do your homework to verify. We believe hiring a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), like our firm, versus a Bank, Broker or Broker-Dealer, is key to securing a financial future for you, your business, and your family. An RIA acts as a Legal Fiduciary to your financial affairs, whereas a Bank or Broker follows a Suitability Standard. There is a big difference between the two. Again, the key is to ask the right questions and do your research. HERE is a good article by Forbes with a list of 10 great questions.  

Consider our QUICK START SESSION to assess your current portfolio to determine what kind of fees you are paying. The amount of money you may save over time is far greater than the small cost of this program.

How can your services help me?

Whether you are looking for a one-time review or an ongoing partnership, my services will help you achieve your goals. We will discuss your questions and concerns, establish the best course of action, and create a road map for your financial life. We will review items such as your investments, benefits and 401(k) plan, income and expenses, taxes, insurance and more.  Schedule your FREE Initial Consultation today.

What is a fiduciary?

A fiduciary is a person or institution given the power to act on behalf of another in situations that require great trust, honesty and loyalty. Fiduciaries like our firm Bridge Capital Consulting, LLC are hired to act in your best interest and must set aside personal motives and conflicts of interest in favor of pursuing the best outcome for your unique situation. Common fiduciaries include attorneys, accountants, business advisors, fee-only financial advisors and registered investment advisors, real estate agents acting on your behalf, estate administrators, guardians, title companies, and trustees of a trust. There are very clear guidelines on who is considered a fiduciary in the financial world and who is not. The following people are not considered fiduciaries:

  • Stock Brokers
  • Insurance Agents
  • Real Estate Agents acting on another party's behalf

What is a CFP® professional?

The CFP® certification process, administered by CFP Board, identifies to the public that those individuals who have been authorized to use the CFP® certification marks in the U.S. have met rigorous professional standards and have agreed to adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism and diligence when dealing with clients. Find out more at Let's Make a Plan.

How are you regulated?

Bridge Capital Consulting, LLC is registered as a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) with the California Secretary of State. You can access a copy of our Form ADV, Part 2 which provides more detail about our firm and advisors.

Can I do this on my own?

Yes, if you dedicate your time and resources. Get started using this HELPFUL TOOL. However, if you are reading this, something tells me you may be looking for some help. We have established 3 service models as outlined on this site because we understand there is no “one size fits all” approach to financial planning. It depends on your unique personal situation and dedication to learning and following key issues. Most find they are better off seeking the information, expertise, experience, and discipline provided by a financial advisor.

Making quality financial decisions requires a high level of commitment to learning and research. Whether you are concerned about what to do with your 401(k), what benefits to sign up for at work, planning for retirement, paying for college expenses, or other financial goals, I believe many individuals can benefit from by leveraging the experience and expertise of professionals who are dedicated to serving these needs.

Fully Invested in Our Clients' Best Interest

Client Center

Bridge Financial Management's first priority is helping you and your family bridge the financial gap between where you are today and where you want to be in the future. We offer this incredible comprehensive resource to provide a quick and easy way to start your investment journey. Click on the button below to get started in just a few minutes! 

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